2019-07-24 - Comfort Foods


~4.5 mi @ ~13.2 min/mi

"Cream soda and yogurt peanut clusters!" K2 reminisces about the perfect comfort food combo as Dawn Patrol waits for the traffic light to change and low clouds in the east glower peachy. We zig through housing developments ("Take the Long Way!") to Starbucks, clearing cobwebs from cut-through paths.

"Samson - he sheds twice a year so birds can build their nests!" Keymaster explains his dog's name. Analysis includes basketball records that may never be broken ("Nobody plays four years in college any more!"). Everyone got the Red Shirt memo this morning, though the rest of our wardrobes are diverse. Coney count = 1, a fast rabbit that greets us during the first 100 feet of today's trek.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-08-11